
Using the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) storm database I explore which weather events are most harmful to population health and economy in the US.

Regarding the population health, the most frequent events are usually the most harmful ones such as tornadoes, floods, thunderstorm winds, hurricanes and lightnings. An exception is the excessive heat event which is the 20th most frequent, but the deadliest with 88 deaths per year on average during the 2000-2011 period. Regarding the economy, the most frequent events are not necessarily the most harmful. The first four most harmful economically events are hydro-meteorological events such as floods, hail, storms, hurricanes. During 2000-2011 damage done to property was 14 times greater than the damage done to crops.Below is a detailed analysis.

Data processing

I start with downloading the data, unzipping it, and reading it in.

if(!file.exists("data.csv")) {
  # Unzip
  zz <- readLines(gzfile("data.bz2"))
  zz <- iconv(zz, "latin1", "ASCII", sub="")
  writeLines(zz, "data.csv")

## Read data in
data<-read.csv("data.csv", sep=",", quote = "\"", header=TRUE)

The data set has 902297 observations and 37 variables (columns). Below are the first six rows of the first 5 columns of the data set I am working with as well as the names of all columns.

## 1       1  4/18/1950 0:00:00     0130       CST     97
## 2       1  4/18/1950 0:00:00     0145       CST      3
## 3       1  2/20/1951 0:00:00     1600       CST     57
## 4       1   6/8/1951 0:00:00     0900       CST     89
## 5       1 11/15/1951 0:00:00     1500       CST     43
## 6       1 11/15/1951 0:00:00     2000       CST     77
##  [1] "STATE__"    "BGN_DATE"   "BGN_TIME"   "TIME_ZONE"  "COUNTY"    
##  [6] "COUNTYNAME" "STATE"      "EVTYPE"     "BGN_RANGE"  "BGN_AZI"   
## [16] "END_RANGE"  "END_AZI"    "END_LOCATI" "LENGTH"     "WIDTH"     
## [21] "F"          "MAG"        "FATALITIES" "INJURIES"   "PROPDMG"   
## [36] "REMARKS"    "REFNUM"

For my analysis I needed to extract the year information from the BGN_DATE column.

# Add a new year column to the dataset

## 1 1950       1  4/18/1950 0:00:00     0130       CST
## 2 1950       1  4/18/1950 0:00:00     0145       CST
## 3 1951       1  2/20/1951 0:00:00     1600       CST
## 4 1951       1   6/8/1951 0:00:00     0900       CST
## 5 1951       1 11/15/1951 0:00:00     1500       CST
## 6 1951       1 11/15/1951 0:00:00     2000       CST

After looking at the most frequent events I noticed duplicates THUNDERSTORM WIND, THUNDERSTORM WINDS, TSTM WIND, MARINE TSTM WIND. These are the same thing, so I replaced them with TSTM WIND.

# Replace duplicate THUDNDERSTORM WIND, etc. with TTSM WIND

The data set has scaling factors for two variables which are needed for analysis. Namely, property damage PROPDMG and crop damage CROPDMG. They have corresponding scaling columns PROPDMGEXP and CROPDMGEXP. The scaling columns contain information about how to scale the values in the columns PROPDMG and CROPDMG. For example, a value in the PROPDMG column that has a scaling factor “k” in the PROPDMGEXP column should be multiplied by $10^3$. I use the following scheme for the scaling factors.

##    Scaling exponent Occurences Scaling factor
## 1                       465934           10^0
## 2                 -          1           10^0
## 3                 ?          8           10^0
## 4                 +          5           10^0
## 5                 0        216           10^0
## 6                 1         25           10^1
## 7                 2         13           10^2
## 8                 3          4           10^3
## 9                 4          4           10^4
## 10                5         28           10^5
## 11                6          4           10^6
## 12                7          5           10^7
## 13                8          1           10^8
## 14                B         40           10^9
## 15                h          1           10^2
## 16                H          6           10^2
## 17                K     424665           10^3
## 18                m          7           10^6
## 19                M      11330           10^6

Some values in the PROPDMG and CROPDMG did not have scaling factors specified or had symbols like +,-,?. I decided not to scale the values that had those symbols. The rest is intuitive, namely, “b” and “B” stand for billion and etc. In the code below I create two new columns, PROPDMGSCALE and CROPDMGSCALE, with property damage and crop damage scaled.

scale.func <- function(x) {
  # Function that replaces a factor with a numeric
   if(x %in% 0:8) {x<-as.numeric(x)}
   else if(x %in% c("b","B")) {x<-10^9}    # billion
   else if(x %in% c("m","M")) {x<-10^6}    # million/mega
   else if(x %in% c("k","K")) {x<-10^3}   # kilo   
   else if(x %in% c("h","H")) {x<-10^2}   # hundred
   else x<-10^0

# Apply scale.func with sapply
data$PROPDMGSCALE <- sapply(data$PROPDMGEXP,scale.func) * data$PROPDMG
data$CROPDMGSCALE <- sapply(data$CROPDMGEXP,scale.func) * data$CROPDMG

I also created a plotting function for horizontal barplots, so I dont have to repeat code:

plot.k<- function(df,title){
  # A function that plots a barplot with presets. Arguments are a matrix-like dataset and a plot title


According to the project instructions, with time the recording of the weather events improved. In the multiline graph I show the number of occurences of 10 most frequent weather events by year during 1950-2011. The number of occurences of the events increased drastically due to improvements in the process of recording those events.

# Get table of counts of events by year
dat =[,c("Year","EVTYPE")]))

# 10 most frequent events
a = sort(apply(table(data[,c("Year","EVTYPE")]),2,sum),decreasing=TRUE)[1:10]
dat = dat[dat$EVTYPE %in% names(a),]

# Modify year column to be in the unambiguos date format %Y-%m-%d
dat$Year = paste0(dat$Year,"-01-01")
dat$Year = as.numeric(as.POSIXct(dat$Year))

# Create Rickshaw graph
# require(devtools)
# install_github('ramnathv/rCharts')

r2 <- Rickshaw$new()
  Freq ~ Year,
  data = dat,
  type = "line",
  groups = "EVTYPE",
  height = 340,
  width = 700
# turn on built in features
  hoverDetail = TRUE,
  xAxis = TRUE,
  yAxis = TRUE,
  shelving = FALSE,
  legend = TRUE,
  slider = TRUE,
  highlight = TRUE
r2$show('iframesrc', cdn = TRUE)

Below is the list of average occurences per year during 1950-2011 of 20 most frequent events.

# List of average occurences per year
avg_occ = sort(apply(table(data$Year,data$EVTYPE),2,sum),decreasing=TRUE)[1:20]/61
data.frame(`Avg Occurences` = avg_occ)
##                      Avg.Occurences
## TSTM WIND                5401.98361
## HAIL                     4732.14754
## TORNADO                   994.29508
## FLASH FLOOD               889.78689
## FLOOD                     415.18033
## HIGH WIND                 331.34426
## LIGHTNING                 258.26230
## HEAVY SNOW                257.50820
## HEAVY RAIN                192.18033
## WINTER STORM              187.42623
## WINTER WEATHER            115.18033
## FUNNEL CLOUD              112.11475
## MARINE TSTM WIND           95.27869
## WATERSPOUT                 62.22951
## STRONG WIND                58.45902
## URBAN/SML STREAM FLD       55.60656
## WILDFIRE                   45.26230
## BLIZZARD                   44.57377
## DROUGHT                    40.78689
## ICE STORM                  32.88525

In the table below I show the annual averages of property damage, crop damage, total damage, number of injuries, deaths and occurences during 1950-2011. I highlight the time period because later in my analysis I focus on the 2000-2011 period. The table is initially sorted by the average number of occurences per year. You may play around with the table.

# require(devtools)
# install_github('ramnathv/htmlwidgets')
# install_github("rstudio/DT")


# Create data frame for datatable
datatab <- data.frame(
  `Property Damage` = tapply(data$PROPDMGSCALE,list(data$EVTYPE),sum)/61,
  `Crop Damage` = tapply(data$CROPDMGSCALE,list(data$EVTYPE),sum)/61,
  `Total Damage` = 
    tapply(data$PROPDMGSCALE,list(data$EVTYPE),sum)/61 + tapply(data$CROPDMGSCALE,list(data$EVTYPE),sum)/61,
  Deaths = tapply(data$FATALITIES,list(data$EVTYPE),sum)/61,
  Injuries = tapply(data$INJURIES,list(data$EVTYPE),sum)/61,
  Occurences = matrix(table(data[,"EVTYPE"])/61)

# Create datatable initially sorted by avg number of occurences
datatable(format(datatab,big.mark = ',',scientific = F, digits = 1),
          colnames = c('Property Damage,$' = 2, 'Crop Damage,$' = 3, 'Total Damage,$' = 4),
          caption = 'Table: Average annual values, 1950-2011',
          options = list(order = list(list(6, 'desc'))),
          extensions = 'Responsive'

Let’s see whether the most frequent events have a significant effect on the health of population and the infrastructure.

Across the United States, which types of events (as indicated in the EVTYPE variable) are most harmful with respect to population health?

I summarize the number of total injuries and deaths by the event type over the period 1950 to 2011.

# Table of total deaths and injuries by event type during 1950-2011

# Total deaths by event type
##           5633           1903            978            937            816 
##      TSTM WIND 
##            710
# Total injuries by event type
##          91346           9361           6789           6525           5230 
##           HEAT 
##           2100

Next, I calculate the average number of deaths and injuries for years 2000-2011. I chose the period 2000-2011 because in the earlier years there are generally fewer events recorded due to poor recording process as was stated in the project instructions. Recent years have more accurate records.

# Boolean to subset data
years<-data$Year %in% 2000:2010

# Average deaths and injuries per year

# Average deaths per year by event type
##       88.81818       55.09091       48.36364       40.00000       28.27273 
##          FLOOD 
##       18.90909
# Average injuries per year by event type
##           TORNADO    EXCESSIVE HEAT         LIGHTNING         TSTM WIND 
##         822.72727         324.54545         254.45455         253.45455 
##         115.90909          72.27273

Let’s plot the averages.


rowChart = plot.k(TdeathsAve[1:10],'Avg # of deaths per year')
text(x= sort(TdeathsAve[1:10])+20, y= rowChart, labels=as.character(round(sort(TdeathsAve[1:10]),2)),xpd=TRUE)

rowChart = plot.k(TinjAve[1:10],'Avg # of injuries per year')
text(x= sort(TinjAve[1:10])+200, y= rowChart, labels=as.character(round(sort(TinjAve[1:10]),2)),xpd=TRUE)


On average tornados and excessive heat cause the most number of deaths and injuries per year for the period 2000-2011. The most frequent events, tornado, flash flood and thundestorm winds have a significant effect on the population health. However, hail, the second most frequent event, has an insignificant effect on population health. Excessive heat which is 20th most frequent event with $27.06452$ occurences per year is the most deadly. Thus, in general, the events that are most frequent are significantly harmful to the population health. Therefore, countermeasures should be provided on a constant basis. This means that the amortisation and review of the countermeasure infrastructure needs to be frequent as well.

Across the United States, which types of events have the greatest economic consequences?

I calculate the total damage over the period 1950-2011 and average damage for years 2000 to 2011. The total damage is the sum of property damage and the crop damage.

# Total damage table by event type
                + tapply(data$CROPDMGSCALE,list(data$EVTYPE),sum)

totalDmg = data.frame(row.names = 1:length(TtotalDmg), event = rownames(TtotalDmg),cost = TtotalDmg,`pretty_cost` = format(TtotalDmg,big.mark = ',',scientific = F,digits = 4))

# Show events whose total damage is more than 1bil$ during 1950-2011
totalDmg[totalDmg$cost > 1000000000,c(1,3)]
##                         event        pretty_cost
## 1                       FLOOD 150,319,678,257.00
## 2           HURRICANE/TYPHOON  71,913,712,800.00
## 3                     TORNADO  57,352,115,822.50
## 4                 STORM SURGE  43,323,541,000.00
## 5                        HAIL  18,758,223,268.50
## 6                 FLASH FLOOD  17,562,131,144.30
## 7                     DROUGHT  15,018,672,000.00
## 8                   HURRICANE  14,610,229,010.00
## 9                   TSTM WIND  10,868,962,514.50
## 10                RIVER FLOOD  10,148,404,500.00
## 11                  ICE STORM   8,967,041,560.00
## 12             TROPICAL STORM   8,382,236,550.00
## 13               WINTER STORM   6,715,441,255.00
## 14                  HIGH WIND   5,908,617,595.00
## 15                   WILDFIRE   5,060,586,800.00
## 16           STORM SURGE/TIDE   4,642,038,000.00
## 17             HURRICANE OPAL   3,191,846,000.00
## 18           WILD/FOREST FIRE   3,108,626,330.00
## 19  HEAVY RAIN/SEVERE WEATHER   2,500,000,000.00
## 20 TORNADOES, TSTM WIND, HAIL   1,602,500,000.00
## 21                 HEAVY RAIN   1,427,647,890.00
## 22               EXTREME COLD   1,360,710,400.00
## 23        SEVERE THUNDERSTORM   1,205,560,000.00
## 24               FROST/FREEZE   1,103,566,000.00
## 25                 HEAVY SNOW   1,067,242,257.00

Let’s look at the average total economic damage per year during 2000-2011.

# Average damage per year table for the period 2000-2011 by event type
                + tapply(data[years,]$CROPDMGSCALE,list(data[years,]$EVTYPE),sum),

# Turn into a dataframe with pretty cost column
totalDmgAve = data.frame(row.names = 1:length(TtotalDmgAve), event = rownames(TtotalDmgAve),cost = TtotalDmgAve,`pretty_cost` = format(TtotalDmgAve,big.mark = ',',scientific = F,digits = 4))

# Show events whose average total damage is more than 1mil$ per year during 2000-2011
totalDmgAve[totalDmgAve$cost > 1000000,c(1,3)]
##                event       pretty_cost
## 1              FLOOD 11,912,769,002.73
## 2  HURRICANE/TYPHOON  6,537,610,254.55
## 3        STORM SURGE  3,924,630,454.55
## 4               HAIL  1,203,609,870.00
## 5        FLASH FLOOD  1,028,091,082.73
## 6            DROUGHT    904,622,090.91
## 7            TORNADO    894,962,851.82
## 8     TROPICAL STORM    676,727,122.73
## 9          TSTM WIND    516,427,969.09
## 10         HIGH WIND    487,030,401.82
## 11  STORM SURGE/TIDE    418,303,909.09
## 12          WILDFIRE    399,638,581.82
## 13         HURRICANE    315,616,910.00
## 14         ICE STORM    265,541,210.91
## 15  WILD/FOREST FIRE    214,942,875.45
## 16      WINTER STORM    124,723,290.91
## 17      FROST/FREEZE     98,601,454.55
## 18        HEAVY RAIN     76,104,003.64
## 19         LIGHTNING     50,392,913.64
## 20    EXCESSIVE HEAT     45,060,181.82
## 21         LANDSLIDE     29,403,818.18
## 22        HEAVY SNOW     28,213,493.64
## 23       STRONG WIND     18,882,801.82
## 24     COASTAL FLOOD     17,231,505.45
## 25      EXTREME COLD     14,428,000.00
## 26          BLIZZARD     11,092,090.91
## 27           TSUNAMI      8,229,818.18
## 28         HIGH SURF      7,571,136.36
## 29            FREEZE      4,850,000.00
## 30    TSTM WIND/HAIL      4,450,095.45
## 31  LAKE-EFFECT SNOW      3,569,272.73
## 32    WINTER WEATHER      3,086,545.45
## 33  COASTAL FLOODING      1,553,909.09
## 34 EXTREME WINDCHILL      1,545,454.55

Below I plot the average total economic damage per year during 2000-2011 of events whose average economic damage is greater than 1 million.

# Plot average economic damage > than 1mil$ per year during 2000-2011
rowChart = plot.k(totalDmgAve[totalDmgAve$cost > 1000000,]$cost,'Avg Damage per Year in $, 2000-2011')
text(x = sort(totalDmgAve[totalDmgAve$cost > 1000000,2])+1780000000, 
     y = rowChart, 
     labels= format(sort(totalDmgAve[totalDmgAve$cost > 1000000,2]),big.mark = ',',scientific = F,digits = 4),

Lastly, let’s look at the average economic damage per year by damage type during 2000-2011. The average annual damage done to property by weather events is 14 times greater than the average annual damage done to crops.

# Average damage per year during 2000-2011 by damage type
  row.names = '$ annualy'),
big.mark = ',',digits = 4, scientific = F)
##                 prop_dmg      crop_dmg
## $ annualy 28,173,521,423 2,084,491,549

The fact that floods have had the biggest damage in economic terms makes sense. It is a devastating force of nature. Water can crush, water can flow. In the 2000s a bunch of storms and hurricanes took place in the US whose appearences are correlated the floods. However, hurricanes, storms, droughts are not even in the top 16 most frequent events. They are just most devastating to the infrastracture and crops. During 2000-2011 the damage done to property was 14 times greater than the damage done to crops. Therefore, the countermeasures need to focus on ensuring the security of the property.